Saturday, March 26, 2016


What a week!
Spring break at The Commons turned out to be a beautiful time of table-sharing, friendship-building, shared responsibility, games, fun, conflict resolution, and giving hope to each other...
All wrapped inside of last Saturday's community-wide birthday party for all March birthdays, last Monday's epic Farkle game, Wednesday's Easter egg decorating and hunt for candy, Thursday's 'girls only' fancy tea-party, and yesterday's chili lunch and movie, 'The Miracle Maker' story of Jesus.

In the midst of these open doors, grace and hope pulsate throughout every story.

There are children here that need to learn how to read, and children needing to learn how to protect themselves. This is happening because of our faithful volunteers, and their generous creativity.

A recently widowed grandmother who had every household item (and clothing) thrown away because she was too sick to retrieve her items after moving... She is being restored and cared for.
There are families here being torn apart by infidelity, misunderstanding, and conflict. We are meeting them in these places, and continually being invited into them.
Isolation, poverty and sorrow will not have the last word. 

Through friendship, community is being built on real relationship. 
Lives are slowly being restored.

Like the Saturday before Easter, we wait. We wait in our grieving, our confusion, in each other's arms, and in our shared hope for redemption...for resurrection.

We wait...